Max Chuvalov
亞洲產品經理(Product Manager, Asia)
專責研究《戰車世界》亞洲玩家的喜好, 以協助研發人員規劃適合亞洲以及全球市場的走向。 學生時代曾是電競選手,因其優異的表現而被網羅至 Wargaming 工作,曾歷任內容編輯、亞洲地區行銷與公關等職務, 對亞洲市場頗具心得。曾多次來台參與台北電玩展, 對台灣車長表現出的無比熱情表現留下非常深刻的印象。
Q1. 在去年11月發表了全新的Team Battle電競模式,是否有其他協助電競的遊戲開發在進行中?
We are very glad with changes that new team battle mode has brought to WoT eSports. The games became more dynamic and aggressive, more interesting to watch. Sure we are constantly developing eSports direction and quite soon we will launch more functions for eSports and team battles – a ladder system with static teams and more. In April we will be able to witness the Grand Finals of Wargaming.net League which will take place in Warsaw and gather all the best teams. Hopefully this will make more people try team battles and eSports.
我們很高興看到新的團隊戰鬥模式帶給《戰車世界》電競的變化,新的團隊作戰模式讓《戰車世界》電競賽事更加充滿活力,富有攻擊性,藉此提升不少的觀看性及精彩度的比賽也更加吸引車長們觀看。我們會持續不斷地開發電競及團隊戰鬥相關的發展,像是團隊戰鬥的天梯系統就是近期釋出的新開發。期許今年四月在華沙舉辦的WGL (Wargaming.net League)的世界大賽,這些精彩的賽事及頂尖的隊伍,能夠讓更多的人嘗試的遊戲中的團隊作戰模式或甚至參與電子競技。
Q2. 除了金幣車提供獎勵之外,是否有可能開發限定的迷彩,作為"個人任務獎勵"、"聯賽冠軍獎勵"or"隊伍作戰Rank獎勵"?
As you may notice we are now working hard in the direction of personal missions and rewards. Now we have a huge to-do list of both interesting missions and rewards that will stimulate players to complete them. Camouflages are one of the potential points here.
正如你注意到的,我們現在正努力於個人任務和獎勵的設計。同時我們有一個巨大的秘密計畫正在進行,它所帶來的任務及獎勵絕對會激發所有的車長去完成它。迷彩塗裝可能是選項之一! (編:敬請期待!)
Q3. 堡壘模式中的VIII階鬥士裝甲師前哨戰,團隊作戰模式相當類似7/54電競模式,是否地圖及規則有機會改為7/54,藉以加強WoT電競與遊戲的連結?
We have 3 types of divisions in Skirmishes:
- Medium mode: 7x7 players on VI tier
- Champion mode: 10x10 players on VIII tier
- Absolute mode: 15x15 players on X tier
- 一般裝甲師:7v7,I-VI 階車輛。
- 鬥士裝甲師:10v10,I-VIII 階車輛。
- 達人裝甲師:15v15,I-X 階車輛。
同場加映:4Gamers數位雜誌2015年二月號 - 根據地戰鬥介紹
同場加映:4Gamers數位雜誌2015年二月號 - 根據地戰鬥介紹
Glad that you ask this question as we faced the exact same question since several month here in the WG eSports team.
We completely agree that there is a big lack of showing the true skill level of the player. That's why we are very proud and happy to be able to say that we introduced a new level of spectator mode in the CIS season Finals last month, "The First Person View".
The best way to show a skill-level of a pro player is to see through his eyes. That's what the new feature allows us to do.
This Grand Finals we will use it officially the first time on a global scale. The viewers will have to see what the how the pro player sees, experience his moves and aiming and feel the moment which changes WG eSports history through the eyes of the pro player.
We completely agree that there is a big lack of showing the true skill level of the player. That's why we are very proud and happy to be able to say that we introduced a new level of spectator mode in the CIS season Finals last month, "The First Person View".
The best way to show a skill-level of a pro player is to see through his eyes. That's what the new feature allows us to do.
This Grand Finals we will use it officially the first time on a global scale. The viewers will have to see what the how the pro player sees, experience his moves and aiming and feel the moment which changes WG eSports history through the eyes of the pro player.
加映:The Grand Finals 2015 TOP 10
加映:The Grand Finals 2015 TOP 10