2015年5月10日 星期日

【JJ專欄】《戰車世界》亞洲產品經理專訪 (上)


                                                                                                                                                 Max Chuvalov
亞洲產品經理(Product Manager, Asia
專責研究《戰車世界》亞洲玩家的喜好,以協助研發人員規劃適合亞洲以及全球市場的走向。學生時代曾是電競選手,因其優異的表現而被網羅至 Wargaming 工作,曾歷任內容編輯、亞洲地區行銷與公關等職務,對亞洲市場頗具心得。曾多次來台參與台北電玩展,對台灣車長表現出的無比熱情表現留下非常深刻的印象。

Wargaming.NET have a slogan "WE DELIVER LEGENDARY ONLINE GAMES. GLOBALLY. WITH PASSION." What's a most ideally Legendary WoT like in your mind?

Wargaming.NET 有一句標語"WE DELIVER LEGENDARY ONLINE GAMES. GLOBALLY. WITH PASSION."在您心中達到最理想的傳奇般的《戰車世界》是怎麼樣的程度呢?

To my point of view the most legendary factor of WoT was that it took its own path at the time when MMO market was saturated with fantasy projects only, cloning one another. It was quite a bold move to pick this kind of setting and prove that not only elves and orcs were suitable for millions of players around the world.    


In these lots works, what's the prority?


Yes, Wargaming has many offices around the world connected with passion for creating great games. To me personally the best thing is to see how the game changes for the better. We like to listen to our players and try to keep the game on a legendary level adding new contend, upgrading engine and physics, graphics, new game modes, going into eSports, etc. So my priority is to make sure that the game will keep this non-stop development following the needs of our community.

這問題真不錯!的確 Wargaming 在全世界有許多的辦公室,這些辦公室(或者研發工作室)彼此以熱情相連,為帶給玩家最傳奇而經典的遊戲而努力著。對我個人來說,最棒事情就是看著這些遊戲如何在我們手中改變,而且持續進化、越來越好。打個小岔,前年在台北電玩展曾經兩位熱情的台灣玩家遞給我們一份完整紮實的「台灣戰車線」開發企劃書,這個驚喜讓我(還有所有《戰車世界》的研發團隊)感動許久,我們都很開心在遙遠的南方有一群玩家如此熱愛著我們的遊戲。就像這個例子,我們其實非常喜歡傾聽玩家的建議,並且依據玩家的建議增加新內容、升級遊戲引擎與物理特性、繪圖細節、新的遊戲模式,甚至推向電競舞台,試著讓遊戲維持在傳奇而經典的水準。所以,對我個人來說最首要的部分就是確保《戰車世界》將依照我們全球社群的喜好與需求,以不間斷的節奏持續研發與改進。

We saw some NERF news about TDs view range and penetration of premium ammunition. Could you tell us why WG decide to do this balance, is it depends on some in-game stats? Or you wish tankers fight from frontline?


This is not connected to what WG wants, it is based on the balance and analytics of in-game stats. Every day we analyse tons of data to see what is going on in WoT. If we take the situation with TD view range, it was decreased for TD of low and middle levels because previously it was almost equal to what 9-10 levels TD had. Mostly it stimulates team play because now TD is more team-dependent and needs help of light and medium tanks for scouting.

首先我得強調一下,這絕對不是 WG 片面依照喜好所下的決定,這是基於遊戲平衡與大量的遊戲數據分析出來的結果。跟大家想像中很不一樣,我們每天打電動的時間不多,倒是花了非常多的時間在分析難以數計的數據與資料。單以驅逐戰車的視野來看,這次的削弱基本上是針對中低階的驅逐戰車,因為它們的視野幾乎等同於 IX  X 階的驅逐戰車。整理來說,這個修改能夠有效鼓勵選擇驅逐戰車的車長們更專注於團隊合作,因為新的驅逐戰車將轉變成依賴團隊的車種,並且需要輕型與中型戰車的偵查才能夠發揮最完整而全面的實力。

How's the new physics model? Any timetable to publish yet?

新的移動機制測試的狀況如何?有預期的時間表了嗎? (等不及想看新移動機制實裝後的RNG)

We are working on it right now, please follow the news for more detailed roadmap. It has great impact on gameplay so we want to be very secure with such element and perform lots of tests.


P.S. 如果您不知道什麼是新的移動機制,請參考官網訊息

I notice that recentily rewards of tech tree focus mission are time limited premium tank and garage slots, any plan to sell time limited premium products?


In some regions we are already testing time limited items. I think that if community will appreciate this type of valuables, then we will implement them worldwide.



《戰車世界》新手邀請碼:  WOTDEFEND  

